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January 17, 2021
My Bucket List

Now that we're about to have a new administration, here is a short list of things I would like as a Native American and an American citizen. Not necessarily from the government.

Trust in Government - I want to be able to trust my government. Currently I don't trust them, at all. There isn't enough transparency when it comes to lobbyists and donors. When debating bills and deciding what pork to include or not, I want to know why they're pushing for that. If they are pushing for green energy providers, do they have a financial stake in the decision? I'm pretty sure that's illegal, but they were allowed to do insider trading until just a little while ago (Obama's 2nd term I believe?) so I'm sure there was a lot money made that way. Who said that saying? I don't want to see the tax returns of a millionaire running for President, I want to see the tax returns of a career politician that because a millionaire.

Trust in Media - Can we go back to the day of news? Real news? Just tell me what happened and keep your opinions to yourself. I know, the news channels have their opinion hosts and their news hosts, but even the news hosts have become opinionated. They're doing this because they're being paid to do it. Anytime money is involved, you have to be accountable. If I want your opinion, I'll ask about it. if I want to know what happened in the news today, just tell me the facts. In a news story about a police officer shooting a man in the back, don't "forget" to tell me the part about the man fighting with the officer and taking the taser and pointing it at the officer while running away. What's that other saying? Lie of omission? Reporting the news that way is still an opinion. We probably need to be better about understanding that.

Diversity of Thought - I don't need to be told what to think. I also don't need to be told what I can or can't read. If I want to talk about conspiracy theories, I'll do that. Unless I'm breaking the law, let me do what I want. Not liking something doesn't make the thing illegal. If there's a forum out there for My Little Pony porn, I'm 100% sure I won't go visit that site, but as long as they're not doing anything illegal, more power to you. There seems to be a lot of innuendo inserted into speech these days. I've seen articles saying that "Go march peacefully and patriotically..." has a secret 'nod and wink' that knows about. If I ask the question, "Was this election stolen?" on Facebook, it would probably be blocked or at least "fact-checked" as being fake. (I know, private companies can do what they want... I'll cover that another time.)

Have Faith in People - Most of all I want to be able to look at humans and say, "We're doing it right!" We all want to live free and in peace. I don't want you to get mistreated because of your race or religion or whatever. As long as you're not doing anything illegal, you do you. I just expect the same for me. We messed up somewhere along the way. I don't think it's Trump, although he didn't do humanity any big favors. Racism and sexism and classism has been around forever. Once people learn personal responsibility and stop taking advantage of the system, this should get better. This isn't to say there weren't some messed up things that happened to certain groups in the past. And these things most certainly have some kind of impact where those people are today. (I'm Native American, I could jump on that bandwagon if I wanted to. I'd probably be a wealthy land owner if it weren't for the white man!) I just know that we can't correct the course with more of the same. You can't stop racism with more racism and you can't fight sexism with more sexism.

The point of all this is I want to help make the change and want to start discussing real ideas we can all get behind. And you know, maybe run for President with these ideas in the future. It just might work!

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